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tamoadmin 2024-06-06 人已围观

简介1.求2011年闸北区高考英语二模卷答案2.高三英语一模二模和高考哪个难3.急求!! 上海 杨浦区高考 英语 二模卷 2013 答案有吗?!4.09虹口英语二模答案5.有关于英语语法56.My classmates and my class英语作文马上要 高考结束之后,各位考生和家长最想知道的就是考生考的怎么样,有很多考生在考完很着急想要知道试题答案从而进行自我估分,下面是我分享的2022全国新



3.急求!! 上海 杨浦区高考 英语 二模卷 2013 答案有吗?!



6.My classmates and my class英语作文马上要






1.There are many reasons explaining this case. As for me, I consider the following as the typical ones. To begin with,... Secondly,... Last but not least,...


例句:There are many reasons explaining this case. As for me, I consider the following as the typical ones. To begin with, air pollution. Secondly,water pollution. Last but not least, ocean pollution..


2.Some reasons can explain this trend. First of all,... Secondly..., Furthermore,...


例句:Some reasons can explain this trend. First of all, air pollution is more and more common. Secondly, water is also polluted. Furthermore,animals are in danger.


3.Given the fact that..., it by no means indicates that...


例句:Given the fact that book is important, it by no means indicates that it is everything.





首先跳过空格通读全文,了解短文的大意及 文章 的体裁,同时将一眼就看出答案的几道题答出;





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2012年高考英语模拟试卷(含答案)(试卷总分:120分 考试时间:100分钟)

第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共85分)


第一节 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

从A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1. —The garden has four gates in different directions, so you may enter it and relax through any of them in the daytime.


A. Very good B. Very convenient C. That’s good D. I like it

2. —I ran into _______ back of _______ truck yesterday and damaged my car badly.

—I suppose you were driving too fast.

A. the; the B. a; a C. the; a D. a; the

3. Visitors can stand on the top of Oriental Pearl Television Tower, from where they can have a better ______ of the city of Shanghai.

A. sight B. scenery C. scene D. view

4. Medicine should not be kept _______ it is accessible to children.

A. which B. where C. how D. that

5. The village which they lived in for many years _______ by Typhoon Morakot and now there is nothing to be seen.

A. was destroyed B. has been destroyed C. destroyed D. had destroyed

6. Many of them turned a deaf ear to his advice, even though they knew it to be _______.

A. valuable B. reliable C. flexible D. acceptable

7. Hillary Clinton arrived in Pyongyang on August 4, 2009, ______ the start of the short visit to Korea.

A. marked B. having marked C. marking D. to mark

8. The color of the shirt does not _______ that of the tie.

A. fit B. match C. suit D. reach

9. But for your help, we _______ the game.

A. can lose B. will lose

C. had lost D. would have lost

10. She was very fond of speaking French, _______ indeed she spoke well.

A. which B. that C. of which D. how

11. _______, they make mistakes as part of their everyday behavior.

A. Not only humans make mistakes B. Not only do humans make mistakes

C. Only humans make mistakes D. Only do humans make mistakes

12. One cause of this attitude students have can be represented by the fact _____ young teachers don’t know how to impose their respect among their students.

A. which B. that C. why D. /

13. I don't want to _______ the topic, but why on earth did you get home that late last night?

A. take up B. make up C. break up D. bring up

14. 一Did you tell him that we’ve put off the meeting?

一No. He rushed out before I could say ________.

A. something B. nothing C. anything D. everything

15. I won't have anyone _______ in here. Whoever breaks the regulation will get punished.

A. to smoke B. smoke C. smoked D. smoking

第二节 完形填空(共20小题,每题1.5分,共30分)


Before discussing different kinds of emotions, let us briefly talk about how researchers 16 bodily processes, actions and behavior, and how this relates to what we do in our daily lives when we observe emotions in 17 .

Bodily processes can be directly measured by 18 of a polygraph. When a polygraph is skillfully used to 19 how we react bodily with what we are 20 , it is called a "lie detector". Bodily processes can also be measured 21 . This is what we do when we observe someone blushing (脸红). However, we are not always 22 of what bodily processes respond to.

Measuring action 23 behavior is the other way researchers assess the emotions. 24 , one measure of fear of snakes is how 25 a person will go to the snake. Another procedure is to have a person 26 how afraid he is, or how he feels, in this way, researchers have 27 the so-called "fear thermometer" to assess a person's fear. 28 our everyday living, we do very much the same thing. Only not too 29 . We react to what a person does, what he says, 30 he says it, and how he looks. Is he smiling? Is his voice trembling? We put all this 31 together to infer what a person is feeling.

32 , we do not always act as we feel. Sometimes we do things that we don't feel like doing. 33 we say we feel one way and then we act another. Actors, for example, successfully learn to "make believe" emotions, or learn to 34 them. Thus we 35 always tell what a person is feeling by what he says or by what he does.

16. A. measure B. describe C. make D. use

17. A. other B. others C. another D. the others

18. A. ways B. methods C. means D. tools

19. A. combine B. treat C. examine D. compare

20. A. doing B. saying C. observing D. carrying

21. A. directly B. indirectly C. easily D. difficultly

22. A. afraid B. fond C. aware D. accused

23. A. but B. so C. and D. or

24. A. For example B. On one hand C. As well as D. At times

25. A. slow B. fast C. far D. close

26. A. tell B. say C. talk D. speak

27. A. approved B. discovered C. developed D. informed

28. A. During B. With C. On D. In

29. A. skillfully B. systematically C. naturally D. eventually

30. A. why B. where C. how D. whether

31. A. imaginations B. observations C. impressions D. awareness

32. A. Therefore B. Otherwise C. However D. Anyway

33. A. Sometime B. Someway C. Sometimes D. Anytime

34. A. express B. hide C. act D. say

35. A. needn’t B. shan’t C. won’t D. cannot

第二部分 阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)



Stephen William Hawking was born on 8 January 1942 (300 years after the death of Galileo) in Oxford, England. His parents' house was in north London, but during the Second World War Oxford was considered a safer place to have babies. When he was eight, his family moved to St Albans, a town about 20 miles north of London. At eleven Stephen went to St Albans School, and then on to University College, Oxford, his father's old college. Stephen wanted to do mathematics, although his father would have preferred medicine. Mathematics was not available at University College, so he did Physics instead. After three years and not very much work he was awarded a first class honours degree in Natural Science.

Stephen then went on to Cambridge to do research in Cosmology, there being no-one working in that area in Oxford at that time. His supervisor was Denis Sciama, although he had hoped to get Fred Hoyle who was working in Cambridge. After gaining his Ph.D. he became first a Research Fellow, and later on a Professorial Fellow at Gonville and Caius College. After leaving the Institute of Astronomy in 1973 Stephen came to the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, and since 1979 has held the post of Lucasian Professor of Mathematics. The chair was founded in 1663 with money left in the will of the Reverend Henry Lucas, who had been the Member of Parliament for the University. It was first held by Isaac Barrow, and then in 1663 by Isaac Newton.

Professor Hawking has twelve honorary degrees, was awarded the CBE in 1982, and was made a Companion of Honour in 1989. He is the recipient of many awards, medals and prizes and is a Fellow of The Royal Society and a Member of the US National Academy of Sciences.

36. Stephen W. Hawking went to the same college as _________at his teenage.

A. Galileo B. his father C. Isaac Barrow D. Isaac Newton

37. Which of the following shows the right order of what happened to Hawking?

a. He gained his Ph.D.

b. He went to Cambridge.

c. He was given a first class honor degree.

d. He began to hold the post of Lucasian Professor of Mathematics. ecbad

e. He went to St Albans School.

A. e-c-b-a-d B. a-e-c-d-b C. a-e-c-b-d D. c-b-d-e-a

38. According to the passage, Stephen W. Hawking had never spent much time studying _______.

A. Cosmology B. Mathematics C. Physics D. Medicine

39. Before Stephen Hawking went to Cambridge, ____________.

A. there was no one studying cosmology in England.

B. There was no one studying cosmology in Oxford

C. There were only a few scientists studying cosmology in Oxford

D. Cosmology is widely studied in Britain.





Ⅰ.Listening Comprehension

Section A 1-10 BBACD CDCAB

Section B 11-13 BBA 14-16 ACB

Section C 17.Wool 18.Ironing 19.Tuesday 20.8.5 21.Community Greetings 22.Study pressure 23.Guide 24.Lack of volunteers

Ⅱ.Grammar and Vocabulary


Section B 41-49 GJADHBFCE



Section B 65-75 BDDB CBB DBDC

Section C 76-80 DFABE

Section D

81.calm and easy-going

82.Work can enhance our prospects for a long life.

83.One's self judgement.

84.measures can be taken to extend life expectancy within our power.



1.The teacher advised the students to listen to English news every day.

2.It was two weeks before she recovered from the horror of the accident.

3.Contrary to his hope, the job involves travelling (on business) and worling overtime.

4.Continuous natural disasters reminded us that we should be prepared well at any time to face trouble.

5.In terms of practical effect, the now regulation greatly improved the traffic condition and was recognized by the public.


急求!! 上海 杨浦区高考 英语 二模卷 2013 答案有吗?!








I. Listening Comprehension

Section A

1~5 CDABB 6~10 BDCCA

Section B

11~13 DBC 14~16 BCD

Section C

17. pressure 18. convenience

19. Cycle 20. salty

21. parking permit 22. students with disabilities

23. permission letter 24. top four choices

II. Grammar and Vocabulary

Section A

25~29 BCDCA 30~34 DCCAA 35~40 DBCBCC

Section B

41~45 IBECJ 46~49 AHFG

III. Reading Comprehension

Section A

50~54 BCDAC 55~59 BADAB 60~64 DABCA

Section B

65~67 BCD 68~71 BDCD 72~75 DCBB

Section C

76~80 BDAEF

Section D

81. the cost of severe weather on life and property

82. satellites,Doppler radar and hundreds of rain gauges

83. its information helped the move people to safety / …

84. take severe weather more seriously and actively prepare for the worst


I. Translation

1. Remember to combine learning with thinking.

2. The Party calls on officials to increase efficiency and avoid waste.

3. People’s awareness of personal information protection remains to be raised.

4. Developing clean public transportation is widelyrecognized as a good way to improve air quality.

5. The president has been worrying about the slow economic recovery and manychallenges in foreign affairs, but so far he hasn’t found a way out.

II. Guided Writing




I. Listening Comprehension

Section A

1~5 BDDCD 6~10 CBABD

Section B

11~13 BDC 14~16 CAD

Section C

17. Biology 18. professor

19. reserve 20. third

21. An appliance store 22. A wide selection

23. Things are overcharged 24. purchasing

II. Grammar and Vocabulary

Section A

25~29 BDCAD 30~34 ABCDC 35~40 ADBBCA

Section B

41~45 EHJCF 46~49 GBDA

III. Reading Comprehension

Section A

50~54 CCBBA 55~59 DDCDA 60~64 BACBD

Section B

65~68 CBDC 69~71 CBD 72~75 BDBC

Section C

76~80 EBFAC

Section D

81. the relationship between television viewing and antisocial behavior

82. about 1,000 children born in Dunedin in 1972~1973

83. They fail to demonstrate a cause-and-effect sequence.

84. Limit their children’s television use (to 1 to 2 hours).


I. Translation

1. Many drivers don’t get used to the new traffic rules.

2. The traditional way of buying train tickets has already been replaced by the one through the Internet.

3. It won’t be a few days before they mail you the result about the interview.

4. We are all concerned about the food quality because it is closely related to everyone’s health.

5. Those firefighters risked their life to successfully rescue all the old and children trapped in the burning house.

II. Guided Writing









My classmates and my class英语作文马上要

此句中有"in",根据备选答案involve,首先按照"语感,就是词汇的固定搭配,判断为be involved in的 用法。直接选有'BE“的,选A. ,然后根据A的内容,按照时态和句子结构分析,前部分为主语,是代表一件事,即动名词的被动语态,所以绝对选A.

此题按照非谓语来做,有点牵强,因为Being involved, involving都是动名词。所以此题的切入点就是动词的固定搭配。


be involved in doing/sth 卷入、参与、涉及

同理的还有be involved with sth/doing sth 涉及

get involved with sth/doing sth 给...缠住.





I seem to have involved myself in something I don't understand.



I have many friends in my class. They're lovely and interesting. I would like to introduce some of them. Alice is very cute. She's also kind to everyone and she's very enthusiastic. She's always ready to help everyone, but she is forgetful. She always forgets to bring her textbooks, but our teachers always forgive her. Ben is the most talkative boy in our class. His nickname is “chatterbox.” He has a great sense of humor and he always makes me laugh Linda is a quiet student. She is good at every subject but she never shows off. Allen is a very tall boy. He plays basketball very well and he is on our school team. He often says, “playing basketball is good for your health. How about your classmates? Do you like them? Try to admire your classmates. You will be happier

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