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简介1.2018年上海高考英语试卷真题答案解析及点评(WORD文字版)2.高三英语周报课标2015-2016第十期第一版答案,谢谢!!3.2015年英语高考全国卷2的作文题!在线等!4.英语学习资料:2015年高考英语一轮复习题库:Module6 Unit 35.2015年山东高考英语试卷难不难,难度系数解读点评答案解析 2015年高考英语一轮复习题库:Module 2Unit 1  Tales of




4.英语学习资料:2015年高考英语一轮复习题库:Module6 Unit 3



2015年高考英语一轮复习题库:Module 2Unit 1 

Tales of the unexplained        


1. In order to improve our standard of living we've got to ______ production and export.

A. put up B. turn up

C. show up D. step up

2. Joe's application to the university was not accepted ______ his failing English.

A. instead of B. in spite of

C. due to D. thank to

3. Only after the teacher explained it to me a second time ______ the question.

A. I did understand

B. did I understand

C. I had understood

D. had I understood

4. — You look so worn out. What's up?

— I ______ the spare room all morning. My cousin is ing tomorrow with his son to stay with us for the weekend.

A. cleaned up

B. have cleaned up

C. have been cleaning up

D. will clean up

5. The local news ______ at half past seven in our school every morning, when we have breakfast.

A. broadcasts B. is broadcast

C. is broadcasting D. is being broadcast

6. The doctor took X?rays to ______ the chance of broken bones.

A. carry out B. take out

C. rule out D. turn out

7. High school boys in the country ______ to wear long hair at that time, which you may think quite strange.

A. were forbidden

B. have been forbidden

C. were being forbidden

D. had been forbidden

8. Let's first decide where we are going for a holiday; don't confuse the issue by discussing ______ we are going by road or by rail.

A. where B. whether

C. when D. why 9. — Make sure you wear your life jacket, otherwise…

— I know I ______ drowning if I fall overboard. Thanks for your advice!

A. end up B. will end up

C. will be ending D. will have ended up

10. Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and ______ jokes.

A. turning up B. putting up

C. making up D. showing up

11. There was an accident ______ two people were injured on the fourth floor by the elevator.

A. when B. that

C. where D. as

12. The accused had many ______ to say that he was not guilty.

A. judges B. witnesses

C. lawyers D. passers?by

13. I am considering ______ my daughter an electronic dictionary; it is considered ______ a great help to her in her studies.

A. to buy; being B. to buy; to be

C. buying; being D. buying; to be

14. That's really a ______ problem; no wonder all the students looked ______.

A. puzzled; puzzling

B. puzzled; puzzled

C. puzzling; puzzling

D. puzzling; puzzled

15. Mike is a heavy *** oker. ______ he *** okes fifty cigarettes a day.

A. On time B. On average

C. In vain D. In return



It was Christmas Eve and everyone was eager to get home. Shortly after __1__, our plane flew into a very heavy, dark cloud. Suddenly, I saw a very bright light on the outer engine on the left. Then the plane jumped down and went into a nose?dive. Passengers were screaming with __2__. Soon the noise stopped and I realized that the plane had broken up and I had been thrown out of the plane. I could see the __3__ spinning towards me. Then I lost consciousness.

I woke the next day. My first thought was: “I __4__ an air crash.” I shouted out for my mother but I heard nothing but sounds of the jungle.

I had some deep __5__ on my legs but my injuries weren't serious. So I could walk. I could hear the planes __6__ searching for the wreck(残骸)but it was a very dense forest and they couldn't __7__ me. In the forest, there were many deadly snakes, looking like dry leaves. I was __8__ that I didn't meet them. I found a stream and walked in the water because I knew it was __9__, away from deadly snakes. At the crash site I found a bag of __10__. When I had finished them I had nothing more to eat. In the day, it was very hot and very wet. But it was cold at night.

On the fourth day, I __11__ a hut(茅舍)with a palm leaf roof. I decided to spend the night there. The next day I heard the voices of several men outside. It was like hearing those of angels.

The day after my rescue, I saw my father. For the next few days, we __12__ searched for news of my mother. On 12 January the rescue team found her body.

1. A. taking off B. breaking up

C. giving out D. turning over

2. A. cold B. delight

C. excitement D. fear

3. A. snake B. hut

C. jungle D. angel

4. A. witnessed B. caused

C. discovered D. survived

5. A. breaths B. cuts

C. wells D. spots

6. A. downstairs B. overtime

C. overhead D. overnight

7. A. rescue B. contact

C. catch D. spot

8. A. lucky B. sad

C. puzzled D. disappointed

9. A. safer B. hotter

C. cleaner D. easier

10. A. guns B. books

C. biscuits D. coins

11. A. founded B. bought

C. found D. built

12. A. briefly B. desperately

C. carefully D. casually B

I was walking in the woods when I was attacked by a snake. The poisonous liquid worked fast. I felt my body falling down. 1.__________ conscious for the moment, I felt dizzy. Snakebites are supposed to take hours to kill you, but only minutes passed 2.__________ I lost consciousness. The next two days I slept in the hospital, unconscious. On 3.__________ third day, from a distant corner of my mind, I seemed 4.__________ hear the sound of my savior's(救世主) voice calling, “Kids from the Bronx won't die in the woods in Kansas!” Suddenly, I awoke to the warm touch of my mother's hand. She was appropriately present on the day of my rebirth. I was blind 5.__________ the time being, but I could see my future 6.__________ clearly than ever. Though snakes nearly killed me, I made up my mind to devote my life to the study of snakes.

Just 7.__________ the German famous poet Friedrich Nietzsche said, “8.__________ doesn't kill you makes you stronger”. Now, I have bee a doctor treating the snakebite. So far, I have saved hundreds of people bitten by snakes.


(原创)Dolphins are well known for their intelligence. But it turns out that they can also switch on other senses to figure out a problem, just like humans. A new study indicates that when one of their senses is blocked, they can make decisions to use other senses to imitate a human's movements.

In the first experiment, a bottlenose dolphin named Tanner was blindfolded and instructed to imitate the actions of a trainer in the water with him. When Tanner wasn't able to use sight to figure out the movement, he switched to another technique: send out sounds, listen to the echo and interpret the resulting sound waves. This ability — known as echolocation(回声定位法)— allowed Tanner to mimic movements by the trainer, such as spinning in the water.

The study, conducted at the Dolphin Research Center in the Florida Keys, expands on previous studies looking at how dolphins are able to imitate other dolphins while blindfolded. To see if a change in sound would affect their imitation, researchers used humans instead of dolphins to make the movements in the water.

Dr. Kelly Jaakkola said researchers were surprised by Tanner's use of echolocation. She explained that dolphins must decide when to use echolocation, “and that's problem?solving.”

Ja Mann, a professor of biology who was not involved in the study, said the results were not surprising in that they were consistent with how dolphins act in the ocean. “Of course they would use their echolocation to get more information. Dolphins have to solve problems all the time in the wild.” she said.

In the first experiment, trainer Emily Guarino indicated to Tanner that he was supposed to imitate, and placed plastic eyecups over each eye. Wordlessly, the trainer began to spin in the water with his arms wrapped across his shoulders. Tanner then did a similar spin. After that, researchers tested a dozen behaviors that Tanner already knew, including blowing bubbles underwater, swimming like a shark with the tail — or feet — moving side to side and floating on top of the water. Each behavior was tested twice at random, with and without the blindfold, as researchers recorded echolocation sounds underwater. Tanner was just as accurate at imitating a human — blindfolded or not — as he was at imitating another dolphin.

1. We can learn that dolphins are ______.

A. *** art B. dull

C. aggressive D. mild

2. In the first experiment, Tanner imitated a human's movements by ______.

A. seeing B. touching

C. listening D. *** elling

3. It is likely that dolphins swimming in the ocean use echolocation more ______.

A. at noon B. in the day

C. in the afternoon D. at night

4. The underlined word “mimic” means ______.

A. change B. imitate

C. follow D. refuse

5. In the first experiment, plastic eyecups were placed over Tanner's eyes in order to ______.

A. protect their eyes

B. see the trainer clearly

C. blindfold the dolphin

D. send out sounds


For Robert Valderzak of Washington, D.C., Tuesday's earthquake was a miracle(奇迹).

Ever since he fell on Father's Day, 75?year?old Valderzak had suffered severe hearing loss. But after the 5.8 quake, he could hear everything.

Valderzak was visiting the VA Hospital with his son when the quake broke out. “It shook me terribly — right out of the bed,” said Valderzak. “But after that it stopped. And my son talked to me, and I could hear his voice.”

Tests proved Valderzak's great hearing improvement. His doctors think they have a medical explanation for the miracle. “He had hearing loss caused by fluid(积液) in his middle ear,” said Dr. Ross Fletcher at the VA Hospital. “A bination of a drug he was taking and the earthquake event itself likely led to him losing the fluid and gaining back his hearing.” However, Dr. Jennifer Smullen in another hospital said the shaking itself might not have been enough to clear the fluid from Valderzak's inner ear. “But if somebody was shouting loudly when the earthquake happened, sometimes that's enough to clear some fluid out from the ear,” she said.

“It's a plete pleasure because the event was unexpected and brought a lot of joy to him and his family,” said Fletcher.

Valderzak has been a patient at the VA Hospital since it opened in 1967. Valderzak, an old soldier of the Korean and Vietnam wars, still has a_tough_fight ahead of him. He is suffering from cancer. The event has given him the encouragement he needs to fight cancer.

1. What is the main idea of the passage? (No more than 10 words)


2. When did Robert Valderzak fall? (No more than 3 words)


3. According to Dr. Ross Fletcher, what caused Valderzak's deafness? (No more than 5 words)


4. What does the underlined phrase “a tough fight” refer to? (No more than 2 words)


Module 2

Unit 1

Ⅰ.1. D 考查动词词义辨析。put up 建起,搭起,举起; turn up 出现,向上翻; show up 出现; step up 增加,加速。句意:为了提高我们的生活水平,我们要加快生产和出口。

2. C 考查介词短语。后面部分是原因状语,故选C。D项thank to 应为thanks to; instead of 是“代替,相反”之意; in spite of “尽管”,用于表示转折。句意:Joe的大学入学申请没有被接受,因为他的英语不及格。

3. B 考查倒装句。“only+状语”位于句首,句子用部分倒装语序,且根据explained可知,用一般过去时,故选B项。

4. C 考查时态。根据语境可知,由于有客人要来,“我”整个上午都在打扫客房,而且可能还在继续打扫。故选C 项。

5.B 考查时态和语态。主语The local news 是谓语动词broadcast 的承受者,用被动语态,这里用一般现在时表示经常性或习惯性的动作。

6. C 考查动词短语辨析。rule out是“排除……的可能性”之意,符合句意。carry out 执行,实施; take out 拿出; turn out 结果是,证明是,生产。根据句意应选C。句意:医生照了X光以排除骨折的可能性。

7.A 考查时态。句意:以前在这个国家的中学生里男生不得留长发,这你也许会感到很奇怪。时间状语at that time常与一般过去时连用。

8. B 考查名词性从句。句意:让我们先决定到哪儿去度假,至于坐汽车还是坐火车去先不讨论,免得把问题复杂化。根据句意可知选B项。

9. B 考查时态。第一个说话人让第二个说话人确认是否穿好了救生衣,否则,如果他从船上落入水中,是会葬身鱼腹的。根据语境可知该空所表示的是将来的动作,用一般将来时即可。

10. C 考查动词短语。turn up 出现,露面,找到,调大(灯,火,煤气等); put up 建起,张贴,为……提供食宿等; make up 编造,虚构,化妆,补足; show up 出席,到场,揭露。由句意可知Jack不但善于讲笑话也善于编笑话,make up符合此意。

11. C 考查定语从句。根据语境可知,______ two people were injured on the fourth floor by the elevator 是定语从句,修饰accident,应用where 来引导,相当于in which。

12. B 考查名词词义辨析。本句的意思是:被告有很多证人证明他是无罪的。故witness(证人)为最佳答案。judge评委,裁判;lawyer律师;passer?by路人。

13. D 考查consider的用法。consider 作“考虑”解,后接动名词作宾语;consider作“认为”解,后接不定式作宾补。consider doing sth. 考虑做某事。be considered to be…被认为是……。

14. D 考查分词形容词。a puzzling problem 一个令人困惑的问题;look puzzled 看起来被弄糊涂了。

15. B 考查介词短语辨析。on average 是“平均”之意,符合句意。on time 按时; in vain 徒劳的;无用的; in return 作为回报。

Ⅱ.A 1. A 飞机起飞后不久就飞进了一团乌黑的云层之中。take off在此意为“起飞”,符合句意。 break up 分解,分裂; give out 分发,发出,用完; turn over 翻动。

2. D 乘客因为害怕而哭叫起来。

3. C 作者从空中向地面飞快下坠,故她看到丛林向她飞旋而来,后面but I heard nothing but sounds of the jungle一句也有提示。

4. D “我”在空难中幸存下来了。survive在此意为“活下来,幸存下来”,符合句意。

5. B 后一句讲到“我”的伤势并不严重,故答案选B。cut在此用作名词,“割伤”之意。

6. C 根据常识判断飞机应当在头顶上飞。overhead在此用作副词,意为“在头顶”,符合句意。downstairs 楼下; overtime 加班加点地,超时地; overnight 一夜之间地。

7. D spot在此用作动词,“发现,看见”之意,符合句意。

8. A 幸运的是“我”没有遇到这些毒蛇。

9. A 后面away from deadly snakes有暗示,可见在小溪中走路可避开毒蛇,更安全一些。

10. C 后面讲到这些东西可吃,可以判断这些东西应当是食品。biscuit意为“饼干”,符合句意,故答案选C。

11. C 第四天,“我”发现了一间茅舍。

12. B desperately意为“拼命地”之意,表现了作者寻找母亲音讯的迫切心情,符合句意。briefly 简短地; carefully 细心地; casually 随意地。

B 1. Still 考查副词。当时“我”仍然还有意识,“我”感到头昏眼花。

2. before 考查连词。不到几分钟,“我”就昏迷过去了。

3. the 考查冠词。序数词前加定冠词the。

4. to 考查不定式符号to。不定式作表语,应加不定式符号to。

5. for 考查习语。for the time being意为“暂时”。

6. more 考查副词比较级。虽然“我”暂时失明了,但“我”看未来比以往看得更清楚了。

7. as 考查关系副词。as引导一个非限定性定语从句,意为“正如……,像……一样”。

8. What 考查名词性从句。what引导一个主语从句。杀死不了你的东西会使你变得更强大。

Ⅲ.1. A 细节理解题。根据第一段第一句Dolphins are well known for their intelligence.可知海豚以聪明著称于世。

2. C 细节理解题。根据第二段第二句he switched to another technique: send out sounds, listen to the echo and interpret the resulting sound waves可知在第一个实验中,海豚是通过听觉来模仿训练员的动作的。

3. D 推理判断题。根据第二段第一句a bottlenose dolphin named Tanner was blindfolded可知海豚是在眼睛被蒙上,不能使用视觉的情况下不得已而使用“回声定位法”。晚上视觉发挥不了作用,故可判断这时使用“回声定位法”的机会肯定要多些。

4. B 词义猜测题。第一段中they can make decisions to use other senses to imitate a human's movements有提示。故可判断mimic是“模仿”之意。

5. C 推理判断题。第二段第一句a bottlenose dolphin named Tanner was blindfolded提到海豚眼睛被蒙上,故可判断在海豚眼睛上面放眼罩的目的是为了蒙上海豚的眼睛。

Ⅳ.1. The earthquake “cures” an old man's deafness.

根据主题句(Ever since he fell on Father's Day, 75?year?old Valderzak had suffered severe hearing loss. But after the 5.8 quake, he could hear everything.)可知本文主要讲美国地震致失聪老人听力恢复。

2. On Father's Day. 根据第二段Ever since he fell on Father's Day可知这位老人是父亲节那天摔倒的。

3. Fluid in his middle ear. 根据第四段He had hearing loss caused by fluid(积液) in his middle ear可知老人的耳聋是由于中耳里的积液引起的。

4. Fighting cancer. 根据最后一段The event has given him the encouragement he needs to fight cancer.可知“艰苦斗争”指的是“抗击癌症的斗争”。







11-15 CBABA 16-20BABCA

21-25 CCBDD 26-30DBBAC

31-35 ABBAD 36-40GADBE

41-45 BDCBA 46-50ACDDB

51-55 CABCD 56-60BCABD

61. the 62.its

63. prepared 64. to

65. is 66.absolutely

67. supplying 68. when

69. are shipped 70. entertainment


71. ... very much beautiful ...


72. ... admire but value ... but → and

73. ... our life richly ... richly → rich

74. ... in that way ... that → this

75. ... be braver enough ...

braver → brave

76. ... in your life. your → our

77. ... make greater progresses ...

progresses → progress

78. ... earning by ourselves.

earning → earned

79. ... learn how protect ... protect前加to

80. ... and fight against ... against → for

One possible version:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am Li Hua, a customer from China. I amwriting to complain about the English dictionary I bought from your website.

There are some faults in the dictionary.First, the CD-ROM was broken, which means I cannot use it on my computer.Second, this is not the latest version that I booked. Besides, when I lookedthrough it, I found several pages missing. I was so disappointed with thedictionary. So please send me another one, or give me my money back. And I hopethe problem will be solved as soon as possible.

Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua





21. C。推理判断题。根据第二段中的Hannover is the country's greenest city可知,汉诺威是德国最“绿”的城市,也就是说它的环境是最好的。

22. C。细节理解题。根据第三段中的Located near the border with the Czech Republic, Dresden ... 可知,德累斯顿位于德捷边界附近,所以离捷克共和国不远。

23. B。细节理解题。根据第四段中的if you're a true car enthusiast there's only one place you need togo — the MercedesBenz Museum可知答案。



24. D。写作目的题。第一段讲述人们经常忽视棒球运动的危险,而下文讲述的就是棒球运动场上的一场事故,故第一段是全文的背景。

25. D。细节理解题。根据第二段中的being struck in the face by the barrel of a broken bat及The broken barrel ... struck thefan可知答案。

26. D。推理判断题。根据本句语境及第二段中的a player hit the ball hard, causing his bat to break at the handle可知,一名棒球运动员用力挥棒击球导致球棒断裂,故Brett Lawrie是名棒球运动员的名字。

27. B。细节理解题。根据最后一段中的That game was delayed temporarily so the fan could be transported toan ambulance可知答案。



28. B。细节理解题。根据第一段中的has been a necessity in my camping backpack ... has helped me searchfor food or use the sun and stars to find my way可知,这本书在作者露营时用处很大,所以作者露营时总是带着这本书。

29. A。细节理解题。根据第三段中的If you happen to kill a polar bear, Wiseman warns, do not eat theliver可知答案。

30. C。细节理解题。根据第四、五段内容,尤其是第四段中的Sixteen videos show Wiseman teaching survival techniques可知,这些视频都是关于野外生存的技巧。

31. A。写作手法题。倒数第二段介绍了这个应用程序的两个缺点,其中作者用大量笔墨以自己的亲身经历为例说明了其搜索功能的缺点。



32. B。细节理解题。根据第一段中的We're discussing a new horror film in which ... Caspar landed asmall role可知答案。

33. B。推理判断题。根据第二段内容可知,作者的丈夫不欣赏恐怖的艺术形式是因为这些恐怖画面总是在他心头萦绕,由此可推测,他不去看Caspar参演的恐怖**是因为他受不了看**带来的恐惧。

34. A。细节理解题。根据第三段内容可知,作者身为小说家,经常会写一些恐怖的场景,这些场景与作者看到的恐怖画面相比有过之而无不及,而且作者的写作经历能使作者从恐怖画面中随时抽离,因此作者的职业使得作者并不害怕看到暴力等恐怖画面。

35. D。推理判断题。根据第五段内容可知,作者在监狱穿行时心跳很快,甚至能听到自己心跳的声音;当走出监狱时,她浑身颤抖、流着冷汗。这些都说明这次监狱之旅吓坏了作者。




36. G。G项“很多人周一最重、周五最轻”与本空上一句“人们的体重在一周内变化很大”相符。

37. A。根据下文的men can reduce 2.5 pounds for their clothing and women can reducearound two pounds ... 可知,称体重时穿不穿衣服会影响结果,因此造成秤上显示的体重与实际体重不符的一个原因就是“你对衣服(的重量)计算有误”。

38. D。根据本空上一句内容可知,肌肉的密度比脂肪的大,因此同等重量的肌肉“体积只有脂肪的三分之一”。D项中的it指代muscle。

39. B。根据下一段中的Compared with water weight, if you weigh in after a tiring cyclingclass, you may lose weight temporarily可知,因为喝水增加的重量只是“暂时的”。

40. E。根据本段内容可知,刚锻炼完,由于出汗较多,体重会暂时减轻,因此“如果你需要增加自信”,这个时候称体重无疑是最佳时机。




41. B。小男孩的同学说没有圣诞老人,“而(However)”奶奶却说有圣诞老人。

42. D。本空前的her指代Grandma,故此处指奶奶邀请小男孩,即她的“孙子(grandson)”加入她所在的圣诞老人小组。

43. C。根据下文中的wandered around the store和shopped around the store可知,奶奶带小男孩去了一家市中心的“商店(store)”。

44. B。冒号后的内容就是奶奶给小男孩的“指令(instruction)”。

45. A。根据下文小男孩送Bobby大衣可知,奶奶让小男孩给一个人买他“需要(in need of)”的东西。

46. A。让一个小男孩自己去商店买东西并且还要决定买什么,这无疑是个“困难的任务(a tall order)”。

47. C。48. D。小男孩很“认真地(seriously)”对待这项任务是因为奶奶说如果他成功完成这项“任务(task)”,他也能加入圣诞老人小组。

49. D。根据上文内容可知,奶奶给了小男孩10美元,然后让他独自进商店买东西,所以这里最有可能是小男孩摸着手里的“钱(money)”。

50. B。小男孩在商店逛来逛去,最终“想到了(thought of)”Bobby Decker。

51. C。Bobby从来不出去玩是“因为(because)”没有大衣御寒。

52. A。一件好的大衣能让Bobby在冬天的寒风中保持“温暖(warm)”。

53. B。54. C。根据本段末的theyput the coat outside the door and left可知,小男孩给Bobby“买了(bought)”一件“大衣(coat)”。

55. D。56. B。根据本句中的insistson secrecy可知,小男孩和奶奶在Bobby家前“静悄悄地(quietly)”走,因为奶奶说圣诞老人“总是(always)”坚持做好事要保密。

57. C。有了御寒的大衣后,Bobby就“能(able)”和其他孩子一起玩闹。

58. A。上文中的the winter winds提示了本题答案。

59. B。根据本空下一句内容可知,小男孩认为奶奶是“对的(right)”,圣诞老人肯定是存在的。

60. D。根据本空前后内容可知,从来没有一件事情像加入圣诞老人小组一样让小男孩感到那么高兴,那么“骄傲(proud)”。


61. the。考查定冠词。world意为“世界”时,其前需加the。

62. its。考查代词。设空处修饰名词strawberries,故填形容词性物主代词。

63. prepared。考查过去分词作定语的用法。prepare与strawberries之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,且该动作已完成,故填prepared。

64. to。考查介词。in addition to意为“除……之外”。

65. is。考查主谓一致。主语strawberry pizza是单数形式,故填is。

66. absolutely。考查副词。设空处修饰形容词delicious,故填absolutely。

67. supplying。考查动词-ing形式作状语的用法。Oxnard与supply之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,且supply所表示的动作与主句谓语所表示的状态同时发生,故填supplying。

68. when。考查关系词。设空处引导非限制性定语从句修饰from April through June,且在从句中作时间状语,故填when。

69. are shipped。考查一般现在时的被动语态。由主句中的runs可知设空处应用一般现在时,且baskets与ship之间是被动关系,故填are shipped。

70. entertainment。考查名词。由musical可知设空处应填名词entertainment。



I. 1-5 ACABB 6-10CDADD

II. 1-5 BADDC 6-10 ABCCB

11-15 ABCDA 16-20 DCBAD





1. A。细节理解题。根据第一段中的when I got a third infection ... I went deaf in my right ear and wasleft with 20 percent hearing in my left可知答案。

2. C。推理判断题。根据第二段内容可知,作者虽然双耳几乎失聪,但是他并没有放弃自己的梦想,而是想办法师从优秀的DJ学习播放音乐的技巧,由此可知,作者意志坚定;根据第二段中的I practiced four hours a day. Now when I'm performing, muscle memorytakes over可知,作者每天练习四个小时,以致于都形成了肌肉记忆,这就是作者辛勤努力的证明。

3. A。细节理解题。根据第三段末的they were giving me the chance to play because I was good, not outof sympathy可知答案。

4. B。段落大意题。第四段主要描述了作者通过用有20%听力的左耳听扬声器、感受低音节奏及运用软件把音乐颜色化的方式来播放音乐,故本段主要是关于作者如何播放音乐。

5. B。推理判断题。根据本句后内容可知,很多家长几乎放弃了自己失聪的孩子,所以作者认为跟家长们谈谈很重要,并以自己为例建议家长们让孩子追逐梦想。



6. C。观点态度题。通读全文,尤其是第一段内容可知,作者并未对英国人的嗜甜口味表示不满或者怀疑,而是以客观的口吻介绍了英国的甜食产业。

7. D。写作手法题。根据第二段内容可知,作者从甜食消费市场方面将东欧与英国作比较、从甜食消费量方面将美国与英国作比较、从甜食产业值方面将英国与欧洲其他国家作比较。

8. A。词义猜测题。根据第三段中的without planning及makes the development of a strong brand image vital可推测,impulse buying就是“人们没有预先计划,而是看到某一个牌子时一时冲动的购买行为”。

9. D。细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的‘Flyte' claiming to be their first mainstream brand to address thedemand for lower fat products可知,Flyte应市场对含有更低脂肪产品的需求而生,故对体重敏感的女性最有可能购买该产品。

10. D。细节理解题。根据最后一段中的One feature of the chocolate industry in recent years has been theemergence of special editions可知答案。

II. 完形填空



1. B。2. A。根据本段开头的The “challenges” of family holidays可推测,这里指平时在家里跟家人相处已经很“难(hard)”了,那么跟他们一起度假又怎么能“过得愉快(enjoy)”呢?

3. D。既然跟家人度假是项挑战,那么“家庭休闲”这种说法本身就有“问题(problems)”。

4. D。这里是指度假这些“活动(activities)”不能总是让人感到放松。

5. C。根据下句中的people don't have children for happiness可知,作者用“人们养育孩子不是为了幸福”来反驳全家度假可能不会增加人们的“幸福(happiness)”总值的观点。

6. A。根据本句开头的However可知,本句与上一句是转折对比关系,故argue(反驳)符合此处语境。

7. B。根据上句中的have children与本句中的childless people可知,这里是将有孩子的人,即:“父母(parents)”与没有孩子的人作比较。

8. C。根据上文中的people don't have children for happiness及本空后的having children ... so thatyour genes will continue to exist when you are gone可知,作者的朋友认为人们养育孩子不是为了幸福,“而是(Rather)”为了让自己的基因延续。

9. C。本段末的not for the present but for the future提示了本题答案。

10. B。根据上文中的You have them not for the present ... 及本空后的内容可知,度假跟养育孩子“相似(similarly)”,都不是为了现在,而是为了将来。

11. A。根据本段中的remember of及memories可知,很多时候,度假的目的就是为了存储“回忆(memories)”。

12. B。本段最后两句出现的photographs提示了本题答案。

13. C。根据本空后两句开头的On holiday可知,我们对家庭的很多回忆来自“holidays(假期)”。

14. D。15. A。根据常识我们知道,跟家人度假的时候我们身边“没有(without)”工作、学校或朋友,因此我们跟“家人(family)”更加亲近。

16. D。度假时拍的照片会让家人之间的亲密感“更加强烈(stronger)”。

17. C。根据本句冒号后的内容可知,作者认为度假时拍的照片也许就是度假的主要“目的(aim)”:留住回忆。

18. B。作者认为全家人一起度假很有意义,能留下很多美好的回忆,所以你一旦认识到这一点,你就不会因为跟家人度假而“感到痛苦(suffer from)”。

19. A。根据下一句中的That's the best part of a holiday可知,这里是指作者跟家人从意大利度“假(vacation)”归来。

20. D。“我们打开门”和“妈妈说:‘度假最好的地方就在于回家'”是几乎同时发生的,故As符合此处语境。

















Book 4 Units 2-3




11-15 BBCBA 16-20BBAAC

21-25 BDBDC 26-30BCADD

31-35 AADCD 36-40AEDCF

41-45 CAABD 46-50BDCBA

51-55 ADBCA 56-60DDCBB

61. fatter 62. annoyed

63. a 64.for

65. eating 66.which

67. gives 68. really

69. myself 70.to lose


71. ... a minute I came ... a → the

72. ... in this afternoon. 去掉in

73. ... first thing came into ...


74. ... return them to ... them → it

75. ... I have no idea ... have → had

76. Whatever I did ...

Whatever → What

77. ... the possibly owner ...

possibly → possible

78. ... one of my classmate ...

classmate → classmates

79. ... for I gave it ... for→ so / and

80. ... thank you very ... very → too

One possible version:

Recently, our class had a heated discussionabout whether the game bridge should be listed as an optional course in highschool.

Some are in favour of the idea. They sayplaying bridge can develop a taste for cards and broaden their horizons.Meanwhile, it is good for team spirit. However, others are against it. They saythe rules of bridge are so complex that they will be too much of a burden forstudents. What's worse, sitting for a long time when playing is bad for one'shealth.

In my opinion, interest is the bestteacher. Bridge can be listed as an optional course in high school as long asthere are students who are interested in it.





21. B。推理判断题。由第二段中的Smiley quickly bonded with ... Tyler.“Tyler was socrazy and happy-go-lucky and Smiley became just like him,”可推断,Smiley的个性变化是因为受疯狂且无忧无虑的Tyler的影响。

22. D。细节理解题。由第四段中的The staff had never seen Teddy smile before及Teddy smiled when he saw Smiley可知,员工们之所以惊讶是因为他们看到从来不笑的Teddy在看到Smiley后竟然笑了。

23. B。词义猜测题。由上文的I told her not to be his eyes及下文的it's key for Smiley to figure out how to get around on his own可推断,George对于领养盲犬的主要建议是不要主宰它们的生活,要培养它们独立生存的能力,也就是不要过度保护盲犬。故B项正确。

24. D。推理判断题。由最后一段中的he walks very carefully及He's feeling with his feet可推断,Smiley走路时把脚抬高是小心走路以防碰撞的表现。



25. C。细节理解题。由第一段中的But when the owners cannot be found or the bags are not claimed,they are sold to a store ... 可知,若找不到行李主人或者行李无人认领,那么行李将被出售。

26. B。推理判断题。由第三段中Tom Barnes说的话“我会去很多大型购物中心,像国际购物中心那样的购物场所。我可能在里面逛上一个小时,但是只买到三件物品。我来这家商店购物,买的东西能把我的车塞满”可以推断,他很喜欢在这家商店购物。

27. C。推理判断题。由最后两段内容可知,有人说销售这些丢失的物品对行李主人来说是不公平的,但Daniel Martin并不这么认为。他觉得航空公司会尽力找到丢失这些东西的人。如果航空公司已经尽力但是找不到失主的话,与其将其丢掉或者让这些行李在仓库里腐烂掉,还不如卖了。由此可知,Daniel Martin认为航空公司的这一做法是可以接受的。

28. A。标题归纳题。文章就“丢失的航空行李所向何处”这一问题进行了介绍。首段末句为主题句。



29. D。细节理解题。由第二段中的to spend more time with my family ... to enjoy life at home andabroad with his wife可知,Pichette辞职是因为他想和家人一起享受生活。

30. D。推理判断题。第五段提到女人职位越高压力越大,心情越沮丧,并且大多数家庭靠女人照顾孩子。据此可推断,对女人来说,寻求工作与生活的平衡更加困难。

31. A。推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的I was always on — even when I was not supposed to be及because he had the support of someone at home可知,Pichette实际上之前将精力几乎全放在了工作上,无暇顾及家庭。因此,他并没有实现工作与生活的平衡。

32. A。推理判断题。由最后一段末的He can afford to retire and not even have to work for the rest ofhis life. The rest of us are nowhere close to making that choice可推断,作者认为大多数人都因迫于经济压力而不能提前放弃工作。



33. D。推理判断题。由文章开头的To support his sick wife and earn a paycheck及第二段末的adopted their now 22-year-oldgrandson, Steven, who has been unemployed since January可推断,Simoff步行上班是为了给家里省钱。

34. C。推理判断题。由第三段中的he enjoys passing the cows and fields along the way及It's a little dangerous ... 可推断,Simoff的徒步路线充满乐趣和危险。

35. D。推理判断题。由最后一段开头的Simoff 's story has a familiar ring及下文的 James Robertson who for years has been walking 21 miles ... to andfrom his factory job可推断,作者提到James Robertson是因为他和Simoff有类似的经历——都因家庭经济困难而步行很远去上班。




36. A。A项与上文的manywater enthusiasts long for the opposite experience: acting out ... 相呼应,并引出下文对美人鱼学校的介绍。

37. E。E项中的laughingand smiling与下文的I feltlike it was such a happy environment相呼应。

38. D。D项与上文的theyassume it's really easy to ... 是转折关系。

39. C。C项中的universal与上文的the dual languages及the school operates under twonames, AquaMermaid and the French translation AquaSirene是转折关系,强调这一健身项目广受喜爱。

40. F。F项中的having adream come true与上文的live out afantasy相呼应。




41. C。由下文的I'll take his hand and walk him there myself可知,作者要亲自带儿子去学校,“而不是(Instead of)”由妻子带儿子去。

42. A。通常作者会在妻子送儿子去学校之前在门口给儿子一个“拥抱(hug)”。

43. A。由下文的to participate in the morning activities可推断,作者送儿子到学校后会在教室“逗留(stay)”一会儿以便参加早上的活动。

44. B。由第一段中的I'm proud to join fathers ... 可推断,作者很“高兴(happy)”能送儿子去学校并参加早上的活动。

45. D。下文列举了爸爸参与孩子教育的好处,故此处应是说送儿子去学校并参加活动是一件“正确的(right)”事情。

46. B。47. D。由下文的Dadsmodel how grown men behave in life可推断,爸爸参与孩子的“教育(education)”是一件很“重要的(important)”事情。

48. C。由下文的conduct ourselves及treat other people with respect and kindness可推断,此处应是说作者和儿子谈论他的“行为(behavior)”时。

49. B。作者向儿子举例说明成年男士如何用言语而不是手来与人“交流(communicate)”。

50. A。由下文的carrying themselves with dignity可推断,此处是说“举止得当(behaving properly)”。

51. A。让孩子们看到成年男子恰当的行为很重要,因为他们会“模仿(imitate)”成年男子的一举一动。

52. D。由下文的give kids more confidence in exploring the world可推断,爸爸会鼓励孩子冒“险(risks)”。

53. B。由下文的exploring the world around them可推断,如果爸爸比较活跃,孩子就会对世界非常“好奇(curious)”。

54. C。由下文的treat the child's mother及gender stereotypes可推断,孩子们会学习男人和“女人(women)”如何交往。

55. A。爸爸“经常(regularly)”帮忙做家务会给孩子很大的影响。

56. D。由上文的love及下文的break downrigid ... gender stereotypes可推断,此处应是说爸爸用爱和“关心(consideration)”对待孩子的妈妈。

57. D。根据break down(消除),rigid (刻板的)可知,此处应填一个具有消极意义的词。此处是说爸爸帮忙做家务、关心爱护妈妈的行为表现有助于消除“不健康的(unhealthy)”性别偏见。

58. C。通篇都是鼓励爸爸参与孩子的教育,故此处应填father。

59. B。由第一段中的Dads Take Your Child To School Day可知。

60. B。由上文可知,爸爸参与孩子的教育会让孩子从中“受益(benefit from)”。


61. fatter。考查形容词的比较级。由than可知,设空处应填fat的比较级fatter。

62. annoyed。考查形容词作表语的用法。be annoyed about意为“对……烦恼”。

63. a。考查冠词。go on a diet意为“节食”。

64. for。考查介词。设空处所在句句意:就你的身高而言,你不算太重。故填for(就……而言)。

65. eating。考查动词-ing形式作宾语的用法。avoid后需跟动词-ing形式作宾语,故填eating。

66. which。考查关系词。设空处引导非限制性定语从句修饰saturated fatty acid,故填which。

67. gives。考查一般现在时。此处表示的是客观事实,故填gives。

68. really。考查副词。设空处修饰动词like,故填really。

69. myself。考查代词。设空处与主语指的是同一人,故填反身代词myself。

70. to lose。考查不定式作状语的用法。设空处作目的状语,且You与lose之间是逻辑上的主谓关系,故填to lose。

英语学习资料:2015年高考英语一轮复习题库:Module6 Unit 3


假如你是李华,计划和同学去敬老院(nursing home)陪老人们过重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival)。请给外教露西写封邮件,邀她一同前往,内容包括:











如小写字母i ,应该先写下面的部分,然后再打点。













内容要点如下:1. 表示理解并给予安慰;2. 提出建议并说明理由。

注意:1. 词数120左右;2. 信中不能出现与本人相关的信息;3. 信的开头与结尾已为你拟好,不计入总词数。

参考词汇:temper n. 脾气,情绪Hi Worried,I'm sorry to know that you're having such a bad time at the moment._________________________________________________Yours,Jamie范文:Hi Worried,I'm sorry to know that you're having such a bad time at the moment. The truth is everyone will have one of those periods when things seem to be going wrong, so you don't have to worry so much. The important thing is to learn to control your temper so that you may not do or say anything you'll regret. Here are three useful tips:First, talk to someone you trust about how you feel. This is a good way of letting your anger out without hurting others or yourself. Second, go outdoors and play team games with your friends as physical exercise is an effective way to get rid of anger. And third, remain optimistic about your future. Such a positive attitude towards life can be helpful in lifting your spirits. I hope you'll soon feel calmer and carry on as normal.Yours,Marj


2010年高考英语(全国卷II)作文分析及范文 东方网教育 2010年06月11日10:54 来源:网络 今年全国卷II的英语作文从难度及要求上来说,保持与上年同卷相近。





来看具体的试题: 假如你是李华,你的美国笔友Peter 曾表示希望来中国教书,你校现需招聘外教,请给他写封信,告知招聘信息。

内容主要包括: 1、教授课程:英语口语、英语写作、今日美国、今日英国等。

2、授课对象:高中生(至少三年英语基础) 3、工作量: -----每周12学时,任选三门课 -----担任学生英语俱乐部或英语校报顾问(advisor) 注意: 1、词数100左右; 2、可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3、开头语已经为你写好,请将完整的回信书写在答题卡上。


适当的延展个别细节再加上所给的提示,考生注意写清楚以下几点:1.招聘之事,2. 教授课程,3. 授课对象,4. 工作量,5. 恰当的结尾,就能较好的发挥出来。


来看具体的作文参考范文: Dear Peter, I remember you told me you were interested in teaching in China. Our school now is looking for a native-speaker to teach somen courses to senior high students. If you e, you can choose three of the following four courses: Speaking, writing, Britain Today and America Today, and teach 12 hours a week. The students who are going to take these courses have at least three years of English learning experience. Besides teaching, you will also work as an advisor to our students's English club or our school's English newspaper. Please let me know if you are interested and if you have any other questions, I'd be more than happy to help. 凭借笔者作为几年来参加国家高考改卷的教师的改卷经验,特别提醒考生的是,高分作文需要满足的条件:1、字数不要太多也不要太少(90—110是允许的波动范围,不含标点。






你说的是这篇吗?In my life, I prefer fairy tales to other tories. I think they are very fun and sometimes make me happy. One of the moving fairy tales is a great story named "The Little Mermaid”. It was so sad that I almost cried along with it as I read . I like the feminine because of her kind and love. And when she died, she changed into a bubble.To love her prince she choose suffering.How great she is ! Although this story had a sad ending, this little girl who has true love moved everyone . She live inmy heart forever!


2015安徽高考英语作文题目及满分作文 某英文杂志正在举办以 "Fancy yourself as an interviewer" 为主题的征文活动,请你 以“A Famous Chinese I Would Like to Interview" 为题, 写一篇英语短文。

内容包括: 1. 采访的对象; 2. 采访的原因; 3. 想提的问题。

注意: 1. 词数120左右; 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; 3. 短文中不能出现与本人相关的信息; 4. 短文的标题已给出,不计人总词数。

one possible version: A Famous Chinese I Would Like to Interview The person I would like to interview is Yang Liwei. I would really like to interview him because he is not only the first Chinese to go to space but also one of the greatest astronauts in the world.I have long been interested in space exploration and I believe I could learn a great deal from him about it.2abc8 If I could interview him, I would ask him what made him an astronaut and how he was trained. I would also like to know how he felt in space and whether space travel is such great fun as I have read. I would like to ask a few questions about his personal life, which must be very interesting....






转载请注明出处作文大全网 ? 2015年英语高考全国卷2的作文题!在线等!


2015年高考英语一轮复习题库:Module6 Unit 3

Understanding each other


1. They have been accustomed to the climate here and ______ a cold bath in winter as well.

A. taking B. to take

C. taken D. take

2. According to the school rules, nobody is permitted ______ in the classroom.

A. *** oking B. to *** oke

C. *** oke D. to be *** oking

3. I don't want to ______ too much of your time, but I do have some important matters.

A. keep up B. pick up

C. make up D. take up

4. The police in Hubei province ______ last Tuesday they had arrested 7 people for their suspected roles in a shooting killing 1 and injuring 10 others on Monday evening.

A. has said B. said

C. had said D. says

5. In the eastern part of New Jersey ______, a major shipping and manufacturing center.

A. the city of Elizabeth lies there

B. around the city of Elizabeth lies

C. there lies the city of Elizabeth around

D. lies the city of Elizabeth

6. — Are your family ready for rafting?

— Yes, I really want my children to experience that ______ they are young. (2013?师大附中月考六)

A. while B. before

C. unless D. if

7. I would like to travel to Tibet. That's ______ I'd do if had enough time and money.

A. which B. why

C. what D. when

8. With two children ______ middle school in the nearby town, the parents are working hard.

A. to attend B. attended

C. attending D. attend

9. — Do you like living here?

— Yes, but I am still ______ to the new time zone.

A. adjusting B. adjusted

C. adapted D. used

10. — Why didn't you answer my phone last night?

— Sorry. I ______ a meeting when you called me.

A. am attending B. was attending

C. attended D. have attended

11. He is never afraid of changes in his life, ______ them as valuable experiences. (2014?长沙一中月考四)

A. viewing B. to view

C. viewed D. having viewed

12. More than 30 cars of the new kind ______ in the first three days after its launch last Saturday. (2014?湖南师大附中月考二)

A. sold B. has sold

C. were sold D. has been selling

13. When the famous singer got there, she did not get the warm ______ she had hoped for.

A. situation B. reception

C. invitation D. celebration

14. The Chinese munity here are shooting off five works in ______ of the Chinese New Year.

A. celebration B. honor

C. memory D. consideration

15. It would have make a lot of ______ if you had told me about it two days earlier.

A. effort B. difference

C. oute D. result



(2013?全国新课标卷改编) Michael Greenberg is a very popular New Yorker. He is not famous in sports or the arts. But people in the streets __1__ him, especially those who are poor.

For those people, he is “Gloves” Greenberg. How did he get that __2__? He looks like any other busines *** an, wearing a suit and carrying a briefcase (公文箱). But he's __3__. His briefcase always has some gloves.

In winter, Mr. Greenberg does not act like other New Yorkers, who look at the sidewalk and hurry down the street. He looks around at __4__. He stops when he __5__ someone with no gloves. He gives them a pair and then he moves on, looking for more people with cold __6__.

On winter days, Mr. Greenberg __7__ gloves. During the rest of the year, he buys gloves. People who have heard about him __8__ him gloves, and he has many in his apartment.

Mr. Greenberg __9__ doing this 21 years ago. Now, many poor New Yorkers know him and __10__ his behavior. But people who don't know him are sometimes surprised by him. They don't realize that he just wants to make them happy.

It runs in the __11__. Michael's father always helped the poor as he believed it made everyone happier. Michael Greenberg feels the same. A pair of gloves may be a __12__ thing, but it can make a big difference in winter.

1. A. know about B. learn from

C. cheer for D. look for

2. A. job B. name

C. chance D. message

3. A. calm B. different

C. crazy D. curious

4. A. cars B. people

C. street numbers D. traffic lights

5. A. helps B. chooses

C. greets D. sees

6. A. hands B. ears

C. faces D. eyes

7. A. searches for B. stores up

C. gives away D. puts on

8. A. call B. send

C. lend D. show

9. A. delayed B. remembered

C. began D. enjoyed

10. A. understand B. dislike

C. study D. excuse

11. A. city B. family

C. neighborhood D. pany

12. A. *** all B. useful

C. delightful D. forting


(原创)I have often found it interesting talking to foreigners and learning about the cultural differences between countries. I think 1.__________ is important to know about the customs and traditions of different countries in order to avoid misunderstanding.

Last Saturday, I met a man from France, 2.__________ explained to me how the French greet each other. Now I know the French usually shake hands when they meet. If they know each other very well, they kiss each other 3.__________ the cheek. They shake hands again when they are saying goodbye. It isn't unusual for a French person who you met several minutes ago to e and shake hands with 4.__________ again! This is just one of the many French traditions. If you went to live in France, you might find it hard to adjust 5.__________ their ways.

Almost every culture in the world has its own taboos, and it is important to be aware of them. Breaking a taboo could be 6.__________ experience that will upset those around you. For example, in Japan, “4” and “9” are considered to be numbers that are unlucky, 7.__________ the Japanese words for these two numbers sound like “death” and “suffering”. It would be important to know this if you 8.__________ like to visit Japan on holiday.


(2013?江西) The light from the campfire brightened the darkness, but it could not prevent the damp cold of Dennis's Swamp (沼泽地) creeping into their bones. It was a strange place. Martin and Tom wished that they had not accepted Jack's dare. They liked camping, but not near this swamp.

“So,” Martin asked as they sat watching the hot coals. “How did this place get its name?”

“Are you sure you want to hear it? It's a scary story,” warned Jack.

“Of course!” cried out Tom. “If there were anything to be scared of, you wouldn't have chosen this place!”

“OK, but don't say I didn't warn you,” said Jack, and he began this tale.

Way back in time, a man called Dennis tried to start a farm here. He built that cottage over there to live in. In those days, the area looked quite different — it was covered with tall trees and the swamp was a crystal?clear river. After three hard years, Dennis had cleared several fields and planted crops. He was so proud of his success that he refused to listen to advice.

You are clearing too much land, warned one old man. The land is a living thing. It will hit back at you if you abuse it.

Silly fool, said Dennis to himself. If I clear more land, I can grow more crops. I'll bee wealthier. He's just jealous!

“Dennis continued to chop down trees. Small animals that relied on them for food and shelter were destroyed. He was so eager to expand his farm that he did not notice the river flowing slowly towards his door. He did not notice salt seeping to the surface of the land. He did not notice swamp plants choking all the native plants.”

“What happened?” Martin asked. It was growing colder. He trembled, twisting his body closer to the fire.

“The land hit back — just as the old man warned,” Jack shrugged. “Dennis disappeared. Old folks around here believe that swamp plants moved up from the river and dragged him underwater. His body was never found.”

“What a stupid story,” laughed Tom. “Plants can't…” Before he had finished speaking, he screamed and fainted (晕倒). The other two boys jumped up with fright, staring at Tom. Suddenly, they burst out laughing. Some green swamp ivy (常春藤) had covered Tom's face. It was a while before Tom could appreciate the joke.

1. The underlined word “dare” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to ______.

A. courage B. assistance

C. instruction D. challenge

2. Why did Jack tell Tom and Martin the story?

A. To frighten them.

B. To satisfy their curiosity.

C. To warn them of the danger of the place.

D. To persuade them to camp in the swamp.

3. Why did Dennis ignore the warning of the old man?

A. The old man envied him.

B. The old man was foolish.

C. He was too busy to listen to others.

D. He was greedy for more crops.

4. Why did Tom scream and faint?

A. He saw Dennis's shadow.

B. He was scared by a plant.

C. His friends played a joke on him.

D. The weather became extremely cold.

5. What lesson can we learn from the story of Dennis?

A. Grasp all, lose all.

B. No sweat, no sweet.

C. It is no use crying over spilt milk.

D. He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.


(2014?雅礼高三月考一) David Jones is probably not somebody you want to hang out with. Not because he isn't a cool person, but because he is living with 40 deadly snakes.

Jones is living in a room for 121 days with more than three dozen constrictors, green mambas, boomslangs and other deadly snakes in an attempt to set a Guinness world record. The record for most days spent confined to a room with this particular number of snakes is 113, set by Martin Smith in 2008.

“I am hoping people will realize that we can live with these fantastic creatures without fearing and killing them. People e and see me here and are constantly amazed at how I am interact with these animals. The snakes are not restrained in any way and make the full use of the entire room including my bed, shower and toilet,” Jones explains. They mainly hide out in cupboards or on the various makeshift (临时的)branches or bushes that Jones has in their shared quarters. Once a week, someone brings captured mice and rats to offer as a sacrifice to the snakes.

David Jones is forced to move the snakes with a “hook stick” throughout the day, so that he can do things like sitting at his desk or typing on his laptop, his only means of contacting the outside world.

The snakes often drop on his pillow or shoulders as he's trying to work or sleep, but there have so far been no instances of Jones being bitten by one of these deadly snakes. He said, “if I give them respect, we can live together happily.”

Jones is doing this for charity. All the money raised will go to a hospice(收容所) in his hometown of Crawley, near London.

1. What are constrictors, mambas and boomslangs? (No more than 5 words)


2. How is David Jones staying in touch with other people? (No more than 5 words)


3. Why don't the snakes bite Jones? (No more than 6 words)


4. What are the purposes of David Jones's doing so? (No more than 15 words)


Unit 3

Ⅰ.1. A 考查固定搭配。从句末的as well 可知,我们已经习惯了这里的天气也习惯于冬天洗冷水澡。be accustomed to (doing) sth.习惯于某事或做某事。

2. B 考查动词搭配。注意permit 的搭配: permit doing, permit *** . to do。permit 用于被动语态时,要用be permitted to do…

3. D 考查短语动词的辨析。 句意:我不想占据你太多的时间,但是我确实有重要的事情。 keep up 坚持,维持; pick up 捡起,拾起; make up 编造; take up 占据(时间或空间)。

4. B 考查动词时态。由于上个星期二说的,所以用一般过去时。

5. D 考查倒装句。在“主语+谓语+地点状语”的句型中,如果强调地点状语,就把地点状语放于句首,后常用完全倒装的句型,即:地点状语+谓语+主语。

6. A 考查状语从句。experience是及物动词,that作其宾语,其后是一个状语从句。此句的意思是:我想趁孩子们小的时候体验漂流。

7. C 考查名词性从句。what 在此引导的是表语从句。

8. C 考查非谓语动词。children与attend 之间构成主动关系,所以要用现在分词作with复合结构的宾补。

9. A adjust to 适应。

10. B 考查时态。该句用过去进行时符合语境。句意:你给我打电话时,我正在开会。

11. A 考查非谓语动词的用法。 句中的view与主语he是意义上的主动关系,且view在句中充当状语的成分,所以选A。

12. C 考查时态和语态。根据后面的时间状语应在过去时里选择,且主语cars与sell之间是构成被动关系,所以选C。

13. B reception 接待。

14. A in celebration of… 庆祝……

15. B make a difference 产生不同,有区别。

Ⅱ.A 1. A 作者在文章的开头的第一句话告诉我们:“迈克?格林伯格是一个非常受欢迎的纽约人。”四个选项中,能与popular 对应的近义词应为 A. know about (了解,知道关于……的情况)。B.向……学习;C.为……欢呼,加油;D.寻找。

2. B 设空所在句的意思是:对于那些人来说,他是“手套” 格林伯格。他的这个名字是如何得来的呢?故B项name符合上下文语境。

3. B 设空处上下文句意为:“他看上去就像任何其他的商人,穿西装,带着一个公文包。但他也有不同之处。他的公文包里总放有一些手套。”设空处前面的but 非常重要,它表示转折,different表并不一样。

4. B 根据下文作者提到主人公要寻找没有手套的穷人赠送手套,所以他在街上环顾四周要看的是“行人”,B项people 与上下文相符,本段最后一句提到looking for more people with cold ______.也为此作了注解。

5. D 句意为:当他看到没戴手套的人时会停下来。作者上文特别提到“look around”, 而与之相对应的结果应该是“看到”, 所以D为正确答案。

6. A 手套是为冬季感到手冷的人保暖所用,故A项hand与上下文语义相符。

7. C 根据全文可知主人公在冬季纽约街头做的是赠人手套的义举,故C项give away (赠送) 最能表达上述含义。

8. B 设空所在句的句意是:听说他这一义举的人们给他寄去手套,这样他在他的公寓里积攒了许多副(手套),B项send(寄送)符合题意。

9. C 设空所在句的句意为: 格林伯格先生做这一义举开始于21年前。C项begin(开始),符合题意。

10. A 句意为: 现在,许多贫穷的纽约人知道了他,也理解了他的行为。根据作者But后的描述“也有一些人对他的行为产生误解”来看,只有A才是最佳选项。

11. B 设空所在句的句意为:这种义举一直在他们家族内传承。根据下文所述, 主人公的父亲也一向热衷于帮助穷人,可以看出主人公的这一做法是有家庭影响的。

12. A 句意:一副手套可能是微不足道的小事,但它在冬季能产生很大的意义。but前后的句子具有明显的转折含义,所以选A,此句也是整篇文章的寓意所在。

B 1. it 2. who 3. on 4. you 5. to 6. an 7. because/since/as 8. would

Ⅲ.1. D 词义猜测题。根据文章第一段可知这个地方很诡异,Martin和Tom 感到害怕,都希望没有接受Jack的大胆挑战。 A.勇气;B.帮助;C.指导;D.挑战。

2. B 细节理解题。 根据文章第三段和第四段中的“Are you sure you want to hear it?” 和 “Of course!” 可得出答案。

3. D 细节理解题。 根据文章倒数第五段中的“If I clear more land, I can grow more crops. I'll bee wealthier.”可知他想种更多的农作物。

4. B 推理判断题。 根据文章最后一段的“Some green swamp ivy(常春藤) had covered Tom's face.”可知,Tom是因被常春藤的叶子盖到脸部而吓到了。

5. A 主旨大意题。 文章讲到了Dennis太贪婪,不断地开垦土地想把所有土地都种植农作物以获取更多金钱而受到大自然的报复,所以选A(贪多必失)。B.没有汗水,没有收获;C.覆水难收;D.不犯错误的人是不会有收获的。

Ⅳ.1. They are deadly snakes.

2. By using his laptop./Through his laptop.

3. Because he gives them respect./ Because he respects them.

4. To set a Guinness world record and to raise money for charity./He wants to set a Guinness world record and to raise money for charity.


2015年山东省的高考英语单项选择题目一改该省的一贯的命题特色。前几年是“语法题”、“辨析题”各占半壁江山,平分秋色,而2015年特别强化了“语法题”的考察!单选部分,总体难度与2012年持平,考点分布与往年基本相似,词法中代词1个,冠词1个,动词时态2个,非谓语动词3个,介词1个,句法中,主语从句1 个,定语从句2个,状语从句2个,情景交际2个。





2015年的阅读理解篇章难度较去年有所降低,没有明显设置的难句。在词汇量基本过关的情况下,只要“沉住气”、读懂文章其实并不难。阅读部分,A篇是人物故事类文章,B篇是人物故事类文章,C篇是科普说明文,D篇是社会文化类文章,20道题中侧重考查的是细节理解题和推理判断题。从整 体角度来看,文章的长难句和生词数量较少,对学生的阅读理解不会产生太大影响。各篇文章在选材上也都属于英美文化和社会生活范畴,如B篇讲述的是美国音乐人George Gershwin的生平。






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